Niche Edits: Step-By-Step Guide To Getting High Quality Niche Links

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As Google’s algorithms continue to purify their standards for ranking websites, the purpose of quality backlinks remains a cornerstone of any thriving SEO technique.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through some quality parameters you can utilize to choose the quality of niche edits. It’s about your website’s backlink profile, so confirm you are going for the relevant links from various sources.

Do niche edit backlinks work?

Fair question. 

The answer is, that it’s SEO.

Sometimes niche edits work. Sometimes they don’t.

I understand it’s not the most useful answer, but I would be lying if I told you I comprehended that niche edits work every time.

Should they be part of your SEO technique then?

Almost definitely, yes.


For the simple cause that to win in SEO you require backlinks, and niche edits are some of the most relevant and reasonable links you can get.

The trick to improving the probability of triumph with niche edits is concentrating on a simple formula I call RAD:

  • Relevance
  • Authority
  • Due Diligence

How to achieve niche edit links

If you decide to pursue niche edit links, here’s a step-by-step guide to get you begun.

Find possible partners or sites

The first step is determining sites to approach. Here are some things to think:

  • Niche: The site should regularly cover topics in the exact niche as the site you’re linking to.
  • Domain authority: You desire links from high authority domains, not spammy sites. Recognize that metrics like Moz DA and Ahrefs DR are only approximations, and not utilized by Google directly. It’s always secure to select sites you already know and trust.
  • Traffic: In addition to domain authority, the site should have genuine traffic. You can receive traffic estimates from SEMRush and Ahrefs, among others.
  • Do they accept niche edits? This is the most critical point, but also the most subtle. High-quality sites that accept niche edits will not advertise the fact—instead, you must make a good pitch.

Choose existing blog post or page

After you’ve selected a few target websites, the next step is to determine individual pages that would be appropriate for your link.

A good method to do this is to utilize a Google search operator and a carefully crafted question. A search operator is only a combination of words and symbols that can assist you to filter and target your search results.

For instance:

site: “your keyword”

Running this search will show the pages or blog posts on that site where the keyword emerges. There are a multitude of other operators available—experiment and see what functions.

Another method to do this is utilizing a tool like Ahrefs. First, come up with a list of sites in your niche that you want. Then, operate the ‘top pages’ option:

Step 3: Pinpoint the pages that get genuine organic traffic:

The outcomes will reveal a list of identical articles with a lot of social shares and backlinks, which is a suitable place to begin.

Determine the email address of your prospect

Next, locate the email address of the author or webmaster liable for the content. This will generally not be advertised on the site, so you’ll have to do some digging.

Email Hunter is one tool for this. True to its name, Email Hunter lets you discover the email addresses of individuals from a certain domain.

To get begin, just enter the domain name to launch the search. Then, you’ll see a list of email addresses within the domain.

Some search results show the name of the person. You can utilize LinkedIn to find the position of each person within the organization.

If the domain is held by a small business or a hobby blogger, it’s usually quite straightforward to find the webmaster. For larger firms, however, it can be very hard.

1. Send a pitch

The last step is to pitch the link insertion you’d like to make.

The email can be fairly straight. Keep it easy—no one likes long emails, particularly unsolicited ones.

Here’s a template that you can utilize:

Subject: Your article on [topic]

Hi [name],

My name is [name], and I work in a [place] for [company name and explanation].

I recently read your wonderful article on [blog name] through [page url]. I particularly liked [something special about the article].

I would like to discuss a possible collaboration. We recently reported an article (link this text) about [related topic] that is earning some traction. I consider this article would be very helpful for your readers, and add a lot of context to your piece.

Would you be curious to link to this article from yours? If your website demands a fee for niche edits like this, please share your rates.

Looking forward to your response.




The key points to recognize here are:

  • Identify who you are and who you work for
  • Be transparent about what you’re asking for
  • It’s OK to offer to pay, provided you do it tactfully.

For more info about crafting a successful pitch, see our complete direction to pitching to bloggers.

2. Follow up

If the site you’re targeting is any right, your recipient will be acquiring a lot of emails very identical to this. Chances are, they won’t respond to you the first time. But that’s fine! Cold outreach is all about the follow-up.

A good regulation of thumb is to follow up in a few days, then in a week, and if the opportunity has not answered every two weeks after that. You can even automate with tools like Woodpecker.

When it comes to follow-up emails, it’s best to be short and sweet.

Hi [name],

I just wanted to quickly follow up on the niche edit opportunity that I mailed to you last week.

Are you interested in cooperating on this article?

I look forward to hearing from you.



Expect to face a lot of rejections—it’s par for the course. However, if you stumble upon an author who takes your proposal, it can be very helpful.

I have been serving web content with my passionate writing skills since 2020. My skills have benefited clients from 20 countries, resulting in 10x audience interactions, improved readability, and SEO-friendly content.

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    • Temp Mail
    • August 4, 2024

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